James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah

James 4:1-12

Grace for the Humble

Conflict and fighting seem to be all around us. We seem to experience conflict wherever we go. Many believe it is because of other people, but James 4 shows us that the issue is deeper than we realise. To live peacefully with others, we need to change our attitude, and James shows us how.

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James, Real Faith Jared Keath James, Real Faith Jared Keath

James 3:13-18

Wisdom from Above

This age is full of self-proclaimed gurus and influencers. It seems many think they’re an expert on how life works. But who is truely wise? What does true wisdom actually look like? Do you have wisdom? This sermon examines what true wisdom is and how to get it.

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James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah

James 3:1-12

Powerful Words

Our words can significantly impact those around us, either bringing people together or destroying relationships. Our words can also reveal what's happening beneath the surface of our lives. Here we see how God views our words and how real faith changes how we use our words.

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James, Real Faith Jared Keath James, Real Faith Jared Keath

James 2:14-26

Faith that Works

How do you know if your faith in God is real and living, or dead and useless? This is not a theoretical matter. It’s a question of whether you are truly saved. In his provocative style, James pushes us to take a deeper look at our lives and see if the evidence for real faith is really there.

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James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah

James 2:1-13

Show No Partiality

Usually, we gravitate towards those we value and admire while avoiding or perhaps judging people who are different from us. How we treat those who are different from us reveals our thoughts and beliefs. We'll consider how having real faith empowers us to move towards others in love and mercy.

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James, Real Faith Jared Keath James, Real Faith Jared Keath

James 1:19-27

People of the Word

How can know your faith in God is real faith? One of the tests James gives us is to consider our relationship with God’s word. Is it characterised by humble acceptance or avoidance? Are you are hearer only or a doer of God’s word? Does living God’s word feel like a burden or liberty?

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James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah

James 1:1-18

Growing in Trials

Life is full of challenges that can test our limits or tempt us to do something we regret. However, God shows us in James 1 how we can not only endure trials but also use them as an opportunity to grow.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 16:1-27

Gospel Church

The Apostle Paul’s personal greetings to people in the church of Rome gives us a unique glimpse into the life of that first-century church. What he commends and encourages shows how the gospel can shape us as a church—especially our relationships, doctrine and worship.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 15:14-33

Gospel Mission

As the Apostle Paul outlines his plans and passion for the gospel mission, he calls on the Roman church to join him in this great task. Through it we learn about the gospel mission that all believers are to be involved in. This sermon looks at the work, the ambition and the partnership we have in the gospel.

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