Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 15:1-13

Gospel Unity

One of the ways God displays his glory in the world is by saving people from different backgrounds and bringing them together into a new community in Christ. Therefore, unity in the local church is of huge significance. This passage teaches the practice, the power and the plan for unity.

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Jared Keath Jared Keath

Matthew 1:18-25

God With Us

The Christmas story in Matthew tells us that the baby born in the manger is named 'Jesus' and 'Immanuel'. Both names carry enormous significance, pointing to his mission and identity, and the hope he gives for both this life and the life to come.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 14:13-23

Pursuing Peace

We live in a culture that values personal rights, and exercising personal rights, even at the expense of others. The gospel creates a different community where our responsibility toward others comes before our own rights. This is the basis for a deep unity that can exist even where there is diversity.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 14:1-12

When Opinions Collide

The gospel brings together people from different backgrounds, cultures and traditions. Therefore, not every believer will think the same way on every matter: e.g. views on politics, health, climate change, schooling, music—to name a few. How can we maintain unity when our opinions collide?

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 13:8-14

Love & Light

The resurrection of Jesus is the dawning of the age to come. His return will bring it in its fulness. Therefore, those who belong to him live in the present age, yet belong to the age to come. How does this shape the way we live in our society today? What obligations do we have to those around us?

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 13:1-7

The Government

In Australia it’s common to have a very cynical view of politicians and government. This can take the form of apathy and ignorance, or even out-right rebellion. But what difference does the gospel make to our relationship with governing authorities?

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 12:9-21

Genuine Love

The gospel is about God's love for us while we were his enemies. In response to receiving God's love, we are called to demonstrate 'genuine' love to others. This passage teaches us how to show genuine love toward those inside and outside the church, and even toward those who are against us.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 12:3-8

Belonging to the Body

To belong to Christ is to belong to his body, the church. But for those who live in an individualistic, consumerist culture, this is not as intuitive as we might think. We need to let the gospel reshape our thinking about who we are, where we belong in the body, and what function we have.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 12:1-2

Gospel-shaped Life

The gospel is the good news that Jesus is Lord and Saviour, and that by trusting in him we receive salvation as a gift of grace. What difference will believing this make to our lives? This passage gives an incredible summary of the pattern, the purpose and the power of a distinctly gospel-shaped life.

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