1 John Jared Keath 1 John Jared Keath

1 John 1:1-4

Eye-Witness News

How can we know for sure that God is real – that we know him and he knows us? Can we have certainty about life with him after death? These kinds of questions often plague people with doubts. But 1 John 1:1-4 says we can have assurance because God has done something in history that proves his existence beyond doubt.

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Mark Jared Keath Mark Jared Keath

Mark 15:16-32

The Cross of Shame

The first half of Mark’s account of the crucifixion focuses not on the pain, but on the shame of what Jesus endured. Jesus was mocked and ridiculed by the soldiers, the crowd, the religious leaders, and even those crucified next to him. Why is it so important that Jesus endured the shame of the cross?

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Colossians Jared Keath Colossians Jared Keath

Colossians 4:7-18

Fellow Workers

Colossians ends with a list of greetings. It may not seem to have much relevance to us today. But each person he greets has a story to tell and lesson for us on how the gospel transforms real lives in the local church. This sermon looks at three aspects of this transformation: faithfulness, friendship, and fellowship.

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Colossians Jared Keath Colossians Jared Keath

Colossians 4:2-6

A Missional Lifestyle

The church's existence in society is considered by many as irrelevant, unwanted or even harmful. How can a bunch of believers make any meaningful impact with the gospel? The Colossians in that first century Roman Empire faced the same question. In Colossians 4:2-6 the Apostle Paul provides the answer, by teaching them (and us) to adopt a lifestyle of prayer and personal witness. 

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Colossians Jared Keath Colossians Jared Keath

Colossians 3:22-4:1

Working for Christ

This is a passage instructing first century slaves and masters how to live out the gospel in their work. Modern readers are often distracted by the mention of slaves, but we shouldn't miss the principles embedded in this passage that reshape the way we approach our own work in the world.

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Colossians Jared Keath Colossians Jared Keath

Colossians 3:12-17

Clothes that Fit

This passage continues to unpack the life-changing implications of being united to Christ. Like a new set of clothes, we are to put on those characteristics that best fit with who we are in Christ.

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Colossians Jared Keath Colossians Jared Keath

Colossians 3:5-11

Killing Sin

This passage is a call to get rid of anything that doesn't fit with who you are in Christ; it's a call to kill sin. This sermon looks at the reason to kill, the things to kill and the power to kill sin.

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Acts Sherif Mehanni Acts Sherif Mehanni

Acts 8:26-40

The Ethiopian

The Church of Christ has been growing for the past 2000 years. The book of Acts outlines the foundations of this process. In Acts 8:26-40 we see an incredible encounter which displays the growth of the church to the ends of the earth.

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