Colossians Jared Keath Colossians Jared Keath

Colossians 3:1-4

Hidden with Christ

What defines who you are? Your achievements?… past mistakes?… political leanings?… upbringing? For the believer who is united to Christ, a radical change has taken place in how your life is defined. Who you are is now bound up with Christ himself. This passage is a call to work this new reality into our minds so that it reshapes the way we live.

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Colossians Jared Keath Colossians Jared Keath

Colossians 2:16-23

Ignore the Umpires

Since being in Christ is all you need to be right with God and to grow in the faith, we need to be on guard against any thinking or approach that undermines this fact. This passage alerts us to the danger of self-appointed umpires who seek to disqualify believers who don’t follow their rules.

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Colossians Jared Keath Colossians Jared Keath

Colossians 2:6-15

Life In Christ

It's easy to get distracted, become stuck or remain stagnant in our walk with Christ. But as this passage reveals, such problems may actually indicate that you have been taken been captive by deceptive views that are contrary to the gospel. The answer is to realise how complete you are in Christ.

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Colossians Jared Keath Colossians Jared Keath

Colossians 2:1-5

Gospel Treasure

This passage calls us to recognise how spiritually rich we are in Christ. He is a treasure trove of wisdom and knowledge, and we are invited in to know him more.

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Colossians Jared Keath Colossians Jared Keath

Colossians 1:24-29

Gospel Ministry

The Apostle Paul describes his own role as a minister of the gospel, showing what authentic ministry looks like. This reshapes our own expectations for ministry, both as recipients and as workers in the ministry of the gospel.

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Colossians Jared Keath Colossians Jared Keath

Colossians 1:21-23

Christ Sufficient

This passage is a wonderful summary of the gospel message to show us the sufficiency of salvation in Christ. It presents our predicament in sin, the solution God provides, and the condition that must be met.

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Colossians Jared Keath Colossians Jared Keath

Colossians 1:15-20

Christ Preeminent

This passage is one of the most glorious descriptions of who Jesus is. As fully God and fully man, he is preeminent in creation and in the new creation. We need to consider if we living out of touch with the reality of who Jesus is. 

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Psalms Jared Keath Psalms Jared Keath

Psalm 33

Sovereign God

Often the things that unsettle us loom larger in our minds than God does. Psalm 33 puts everything back into perspective by calling us to worship the sovereign God who sets his steadfast love on his people.

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Colossians Jared Keath Colossians Jared Keath

Colossians 1:9-14

Gospel Growth

Hearing the Apostle Paul's prayer in Colossians 1:9-14 gives us a great insight into what we should most want: to live worthy of the one who saved us. Therefore, we need to know how to practice God’s will, which is what this prayer is all about.

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