Psalms Jared Keath Psalms Jared Keath

Psalm 2

Christ our King

Humanity deeply resists God’s rule, believing it to be a form of bondage. In reality, true freedom is found in serving the king God has set in place. There is no escape from the king’s rule. But he has made a way for rebels to become friends and enjoy the blessing of his rule. 

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Psalms Jared Keath Psalms Jared Keath

Psalm 121

God our Keeper

As a song of ascent, this psalm assured those making annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem of God’s protection and care. The same assurance belongs to those in Christ, who are on lifelong pilgrimage to the Jerusalem that is above.

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Psalms Jared Keath Psalms Jared Keath

Psalm 95

Come and Worship

Those God saves he calls to gather together to worship him. Therefore Christians are to be committed to corporate worship. This sermon unpacks the teaching of Psalm 95 where we learn what worship is, why we should worship, and how we should go about it.

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Psalms Jared Keath Psalms Jared Keath

Psalm 33

Sovereign God

Often the things that unsettle us loom larger in our minds than God does. Psalm 33 puts everything back into perspective by calling us to worship the sovereign God who sets his steadfast love on his people.

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Psalms Jared Keath Psalms Jared Keath

Psalm 23

My Shepherd

This Psalm is often referred to at funerals, and it is a terrific passage to reflect on at a funeral. However, there's actually a lot more in this Psalm about living than there is dying. And the more it shapes your living, the better prepared you will be to handle death—whether your own or someone else’s.

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