Mission Unstoppable, Acts Mitch Amoah Mission Unstoppable, Acts Mitch Amoah

Acts 2:14-41

Last Days Promise

The coming of the Holy Spirit could not go unnoticed. People from every nation were amazed and perplexed, wondering what it could all mean. In Acts 2:14-41, Peter’s Spirit-empowered sermon explains the meaning, pointing to the one we all must respond to. Come and hear for yourself!

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Mission Unstoppable, Acts Jared Keath Mission Unstoppable, Acts Jared Keath

Acts 2:1-13

Spirit Filled

The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is a momentous event, filled with excitement and enduring significance. Each detail highlights why this moment is so important and life-changing. By exploring the event, its elements, and the experience of His coming, we’ll discover how unique Pentecost was and how it continues to impact our lives today.

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Mission Unstoppable, Acts Jared Keath Mission Unstoppable, Acts Jared Keath

Acts 1:12-26

Replacing Judas

It may seem strange for Luke to include so much detail about the selection of an apostle whom we hear nothing about in the rest of Acts. Why was it so important to replace Judas? As we explore this question, we will gain insights into God’s sovereignty and the unshakeable certainty of His plan of salvation.

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Mission Unstoppable, Acts Jared Keath Mission Unstoppable, Acts Jared Keath

Acts 1:1-11

Mission Unstoppable

Acts 1:1-11 introduces us to the theme of the book: Jesus' unstoppable mission. After defeating sin and death, and rising victorious, Jesus ascends into heaven to continue his saving work to the ends of the earth. How does he fulfil this mission? And what role do we play?

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Acts Sherif Mehanni Acts Sherif Mehanni

Acts 8:26-40

The Ethiopian

The Church of Christ has been growing for the past 2000 years. The book of Acts outlines the foundations of this process. In Acts 8:26-40 we see an incredible encounter which displays the growth of the church to the ends of the earth.

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