Mitch Amoah Mitch Amoah

Ezra 3

Restored to God

Strained relationships can create challenges in life, making it difficult to work well with others and celebrate victories. This also applies to our relationship with God. Ezra 3 shows the importance of being in good standing with God before we can effectively work together and celebrate the victories.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 16:1-27

Gospel Church

The Apostle Paul’s personal greetings to people in the church of Rome gives us a unique glimpse into the life of that first-century church. What he commends and encourages shows how the gospel can shape us as a church—especially our relationships, doctrine and worship.

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Psalms Jared Keath Psalms Jared Keath

Psalm 146

Our Help & Hope

Where do you turn for help and hope? We naturally turn to those with the power, ability and resources to help. But this Psalm shows us that true and lasting help can only be found in the God who feeds the hungry and opens the eyes of the blind.

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Psalms Jared Keath Psalms Jared Keath

Psalm 100

Giving Thanks

We were created to worship and serve the God who made us. This Psalm shows us that the enjoyment of worship can only be found in thanksgiving. When we embrace who God is and what he is like toward us in the gospel, that fills us with a deep gratitude that overflows into praise. 

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Psalms Jared Keath Psalms Jared Keath

Psalm 99

Holy is He

To truely know God we need to know that he is holy. This Psalm celebrates God's holiness from three perspectives: God's greatness, God's righteousness and God's graciousness. When we know God in this way, understanding gives way to worship.

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Psalms Jared Keath Psalms Jared Keath

Psalm 95

Come and Worship

Those God saves he calls to gather together to worship him. Therefore Christians are to be committed to corporate worship. This sermon unpacks the teaching of Psalm 95 where we learn what worship is, why we should worship, and how we should go about it.

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Matthew Jared Keath Matthew Jared Keath

Psalm 95

Corporate Worship

Those God saves he calls to gather together to worship him. Therefore Christians are to be committed to corporate worship. This sermon unpacks the teaching of Psalm 95 where we learn what worship is, why we should worship, and how we should go about it.

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