Psalms Mitch Amoah Psalms Mitch Amoah

Psalm 73

When Life Feels Wrong

Have you ever wondered why a good God would allow suffering? Or have you ever wondered why bad people seem to prosper while good people struggle? Psalm 73 unpacks this age old question and shows us where we need to look to understand God’s justice and goodness.

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Psalms Mitch Amoah Psalms Mitch Amoah

Psalm 22

God’s Goodness in Life’s Badness

Have you ever felt abandoned or overwhelmed? Many people experience these feelings at some point in their lives. In those difficult moments, where should we turn? Psalm 22 offers a vivid example of the journey that God’s people can take when life becomes challenging, providing the hope and joy that only God can provide.

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James, Real Faith Jared Keath James, Real Faith Jared Keath

James 5:13-20

Prayer & Care

One of the most basic expressions of real faith is prayer. Yet prayer can be a struggle for us. We know that we're supposed to pray, but sometimes we wonder what difference it makes. James assures us that prayer is powerful, and teaches us how we can become people of prayer.

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James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah

James 5:1-12

Living in the Last Days

Our perception of what will occur when the world ends impacts how we live in the present. For example, how we use our wealth, spend our time, and our willingness to compromise can indicate our beliefs about the future. How does real faith transform the way we live in these last days?

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 8:31-39

Eternally Secure

For those who trust in Christ our eternal security is guaranteed. Romans 8 concludes with a celebration of our security by testing it against our deepest fears. Is there anyone or anything that can seperate us from the love of God? When we look at the cross of Christ, we have a sure answer.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 8:28-30

All Things for Good

Romans 8:28 is one of the most loved verses in the Bible. We love the thought that for those who love God all things work together for good. But what is the good that God is working for? How can we see it in our lives, especially when things are not good?

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 8:18-27

Groaning & Glory

The pattern of Jesus’ life was suffering before glory. To belong to Christ is to share that same pattern. This makes us the question if it’s worth it. Will the future glory outweigh present sufferings? This passage answers that question by showing us the weight of glory, the hope of glory and the help to glory.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 5:1-11

Unshakeable Confidence

How can you be sure God loves you? How can you be certain that when you die you will enter straight into heaven? How can you be sure suffering will not destroy you along the way? This passage answers all of these questions (and more), and the answers centre on one thing: justification by faith.

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Psalms Jared Keath Psalms Jared Keath

Psalm 126

Sowing Tears, Reaping Joy

What is the Christian life supposed to feel like? Sometimes it can feel like a dream come true. Yet there are also times of persistent spiritual dryness and deep sorrow. In these times, the hope of the gospel enables us to sow our tears in such a way that we will reap an abundance of joy.

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