Mission Unstoppable, Acts Jared Keath Mission Unstoppable, Acts Jared Keath

Acts 8:1-25

The Church Scattered

Persecution scatters the early church, but instead of stopping the gospel, it spreads it further. In Acts 8:1-25, we see how God uses hardship to advance His mission, bringing joy to unexpected places, and exposing true and false faith. This passage challenges us to be bold witnesses, trusting in God’s unstoppable plan.

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Mission Unstoppable, Acts Jared Keath Mission Unstoppable, Acts Jared Keath

Acts 4:32-5:11

Authentic Community

Acts 4:32-5:11 offers a vivid glimpse into the life of the early church, highlighting its remarkable unity and generosity. However, this inspiring picture is starkly contrasted by the deceit of Ananias and Sapphira. What made their actions so grievous, and why did God respond with such severity?

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Mission Unstoppable, Acts Mitch Amoah Mission Unstoppable, Acts Mitch Amoah

Acts 3:1-26

Jesus’ Restoration Mission

We all face challenges such as financial stress, health concerns, and relationship struggles. But what if the answer to our deepest need isn’t found where we usually look? The story of a miraculous healing in Acts 3:1-26 highlights the dangers of seeking solutions in the wrong places and reveals where true restoration is found.

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Mission Unstoppable, Acts Mitch Amoah Mission Unstoppable, Acts Mitch Amoah

Acts 2:14-41

Last Days Promise

The coming of the Holy Spirit could not go unnoticed. People from every nation were amazed and perplexed, wondering what it could all mean. In Acts 2:14-41, Peter’s Spirit-empowered sermon explains the meaning, pointing to the one we all must respond to. Come and hear for yourself!

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Jared Keath Jared Keath

Ezra 9-10

Dealing with Disobedience

How do you react to disobedience to God? Does it shock you, grieve you, or not bother you? This is the big question the book of Ezra ends with. It shows us the weight of disobedience, the betrayal it is, and finally points us to the only remedy for disobedience.

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Mitch Amoah Mitch Amoah

Ezra 3

Restored to God

Strained relationships can create challenges in life, making it difficult to work well with others and celebrate victories. This also applies to our relationship with God. Ezra 3 shows the importance of being in good standing with God before we can effectively work together and celebrate the victories.

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James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah

James 4:1-12

Grace for the Humble

Conflict and fighting seem to be all around us. We seem to experience conflict wherever we go. Many believe it is because of other people, but James 4 shows us that the issue is deeper than we realise. To live peacefully with others, we need to change our attitude, and James shows us how.

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Romans, Gospel of God Jared Keath Romans, Gospel of God Jared Keath

Romans 2:1-11

Self-Righteousness Exposed

God has plainly revealed in the Bible that there is a future day when his judgment will come crashing down on humanity. Sadly, there people who think they are prepared for that day, but are not. How do you know if that’s you? This sermon unpacks the passage to find out.

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1 Samuel Jared Keath 1 Samuel Jared Keath

1 Samuel 31

Saul’s Fall

The final chapter of 1 Samuel records the end of King Saul. After a life of unfaithfulness to the Lord, he dies in defeat and humiliation. This sermon looks at the verdict, the tragedy and the extent of Saul’s fall, and the lessons we can draw from it.

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