Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 12:9-21

Genuine Love

The gospel is about God's love for us while we were his enemies. In response to receiving God's love, we are called to demonstrate 'genuine' love to others. This passage teaches us how to show genuine love toward those inside and outside the church, and even toward those who are against us.

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Psalms Jared Keath Psalms Jared Keath

Psalm 99

Holy is He

To truely know God we need to know that he is holy. This Psalm celebrates God's holiness from three perspectives: God's greatness, God's righteousness and God's graciousness. When we know God in this way, understanding gives way to worship.

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1 Samuel Jared Keath 1 Samuel Jared Keath

1 Samuel 25-26


How do you respond to being wronged? So far David has been a model of patience and humility. But when Nabal foolishly insults him, he loses it. We will learn the peril of revenge, the practice of mercy, and the Saviour we need to be people of mercy.

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1 Samuel Jared Keath 1 Samuel Jared Keath

1 Samuel 15

Partial Obedience

Saul is rejected as king due to disobedience. Ironically, Saul thinks he was obedient. It shows the tendency of the human heart to seek to justify itself. But we also learn about the seriousness in which God treats disobedience and his regret over it.

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Isaiah Jared Keath Isaiah Jared Keath

Isaiah 42:1-9

The Servant for the Bruised

Servant Song #1

These are predictions of the Lord Jesus some 700 years before he stepped into history. Here Isaiah predicts his mission, his manner and his method for bringing justice to the earth.

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