Psalms Jared Keath Psalms Jared Keath

Psalm 20

Our Victorious King

What does an ancient prayer for a king’s victory have to do with us today? This sermon on Psalm 20 unpacks its relevance, revealing how our future, hope, and joy are bound to the victory of God’s anointed King, Jesus Christ, and invites us to trust fully in His eternal triumph.

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Mitch Amoah Mitch Amoah

Philippians 1:12-26

Gospel-Centered Perspective

Everyone faces setbacks and obstacles, and our response can reveal what we deeply care about. While setbacks may cause us to fear the future, in Philippians 1:12-26, God shows us how to respond joyfully to setbacks, remain confident about our future and make the most of our present opportunities.

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Mitch Amoah Mitch Amoah

Philippians 1:1-11

Christ-Centred Partnership

Have you ever felt that you belonged? Have you ever enjoyed a deep connection that seems unaffected by your circumstances? In Philippians 1, we see how the gospel of Jesus Christ unites our identity, purpose, and destiny, leading to a thankfulness and joy that cannot be shaken.

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James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah

James 1:1-18

Growing in Trials

Life is full of challenges that can test our limits or tempt us to do something we regret. However, God shows us in James 1 how we can not only endure trials but also use them as an opportunity to grow.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 5:1-11

Unshakeable Confidence

How can you be sure God loves you? How can you be certain that when you die you will enter straight into heaven? How can you be sure suffering will not destroy you along the way? This passage answers all of these questions (and more), and the answers centre on one thing: justification by faith.

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