Romans, Gospel of God Jared Keath Romans, Gospel of God Jared Keath

Romans 1:18-32

When God Gives Up

Immediately after the opening greeting, Romans gets straight to telling us why we so desperately need what the gospel offers: because everyone, apart from the gospel, is under God's wrath. This sermon considers what God’s wrath is, why he’s is right to be angry, and where we see his wrath today. 

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1 Samuel Jared Keath 1 Samuel Jared Keath

1 Samuel 15

Partial Obedience

Saul is rejected as king due to disobedience. Ironically, Saul thinks he was obedient. It shows the tendency of the human heart to seek to justify itself. But we also learn about the seriousness in which God treats disobedience and his regret over it.

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1 Samuel Jared Keath 1 Samuel Jared Keath

1 Samuel 5

God’s Heavy Hand

When the Philistines got their hands on the ark of the Lord, they assumed they and their idol had triumphed. But what looked like God’s defeat turned out to be his victory, as his hand was heavy against them. Here we learn about the threat of God’s heavy hand against all who dishonour him. Only in the gospel is that threat removed.

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