Jared Keath Jared Keath

Philippians 2:1-11

Gospel Unity

Unity is essential for the church’s credible witness to the gospel. But unity can be difficult to maintain. Philippians 2:1-11 highlights that the key to unity is humility. By looking to Christ’s humility—displayed in the cross—believers can foster genuine unity, embodying the gospel in their relationships.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 3:27-4:12

Boasting Excluded

Boasting is building confidence based on your performance, especially if you can out-perform others. One of the effects of receiving justification by faith is that it squeezes out all boasting. This sermon considers why it does that, and what effect that can have on how we relate to other people. 

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 3:1-20

All Under Sin

This is a very confronting passage showing the pervasiveness of sin in humanity. It includes some outrageous statements like, "No one seeks God" and "No one does good". How can the Apostle Paul say such a thing? What about all the people who seem to be seeking God? What about all the good things unbelievers do?

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