Romans, Gospel of God Jared Keath Romans, Gospel of God Jared Keath

Romans 2:1-11

Self-Righteousness Exposed

God has plainly revealed in the Bible that there is a future day when his judgment will come crashing down on humanity. Sadly, there people who think they are prepared for that day, but are not. How do you know if that’s you? This sermon unpacks the passage to find out.

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Romans, Gospel of God Jared Keath Romans, Gospel of God Jared Keath

Romans 1:18-32

When God Gives Up

Immediately after the opening greeting, Romans gets straight to telling us why we so desperately need what the gospel offers: because everyone, apart from the gospel, is under God's wrath. This sermon considers what God’s wrath is, why he’s is right to be angry, and where we see his wrath today. 

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