Mission Unstoppable, Acts Jared Keath Mission Unstoppable, Acts Jared Keath

Acts 8:1-25

The Church Scattered

Persecution scatters the early church, but instead of stopping the gospel, it spreads it further. In Acts 8:1-25, we see how God uses hardship to advance His mission, bringing joy to unexpected places, and exposing true and false faith. This passage challenges us to be bold witnesses, trusting in God’s unstoppable plan.

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Psalms Jared Keath Psalms Jared Keath

Psalm 20

Our Victorious King

What does an ancient prayer for a king’s victory have to do with us today? This sermon on Psalm 20 unpacks its relevance, revealing how our future, hope, and joy are bound to the victory of God’s anointed King, Jesus Christ, and invites us to trust fully in His eternal triumph.

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Jared Keath Jared Keath

Philippians 3:1-11

Knowing Jesus

What do you value most in life? Is it your achievements, your relationships, or something deeper? Philippians 3:1-11 shows that a Christian is someone who has found that nothing compares to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus as Lord. Once you know Jesus, you want to know him more.

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James, Real Faith Jared Keath James, Real Faith Jared Keath

James 5:13-20

Prayer & Care

One of the most basic expressions of real faith is prayer. Yet prayer can be a struggle for us. We know that we're supposed to pray, but sometimes we wonder what difference it makes. James assures us that prayer is powerful, and teaches us how we can become people of prayer.

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James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah

James 5:1-12

Living in the Last Days

Our perception of what will occur when the world ends impacts how we live in the present. For example, how we use our wealth, spend our time, and our willingness to compromise can indicate our beliefs about the future. How does real faith transform the way we live in these last days?

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James, Real Faith Jared Keath James, Real Faith Jared Keath

James 4:13-17

If the Lord Wills

Making plans for the future is part of living well in the world. But how we go about this reveals our deepest beliefs about God, ourselves, and who has control of our lives. This sermon explores the difference real faith makes to our planning and hopes for the future. 

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James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah

James 4:1-12

Grace for the Humble

Conflict and fighting seem to be all around us. We seem to experience conflict wherever we go. Many believe it is because of other people, but James 4 shows us that the issue is deeper than we realise. To live peacefully with others, we need to change our attitude, and James shows us how.

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James, Real Faith Jared Keath James, Real Faith Jared Keath

James 3:13-18

Wisdom from Above

This age is full of self-proclaimed gurus and influencers. It seems many think they’re an expert on how life works. But who is truely wise? What does true wisdom actually look like? Do you have wisdom? This sermon examines what true wisdom is and how to get it.

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James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah James, Real Faith Mitch Amoah

James 3:1-12

Powerful Words

Our words can significantly impact those around us, either bringing people together or destroying relationships. Our words can also reveal what's happening beneath the surface of our lives. Here we see how God views our words and how real faith changes how we use our words.

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