Mitch Amoah Mitch Amoah

Philippians 2:12-18

Salvation Shines

The way we live says something about our beliefs and values. Every word we speak, every decision we make, every attitude we hold sends a message about what matters most to us. Philippians 2:12-18 shows us how Jesus can change how we live so that we stand out for the right reasons.

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Jared Keath Jared Keath

Philippians 1:27-30

Gospel Citizens

The good news Jesus is not just something to believe, it’s life-changing. We are to live lives worthy of the gospel. But what does that look like? In Philippians 1:27-30 the apostle Paul sets out the call, the practice, and the courage of lives worthy of the gospel.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 15:14-33

Gospel Mission

As the Apostle Paul outlines his plans and passion for the gospel mission, he calls on the Roman church to join him in this great task. Through it we learn about the gospel mission that all believers are to be involved in. This sermon looks at the work, the ambition and the partnership we have in the gospel.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 11:11-36

God’s Plan for Israel

Given that so many Jews rejected Jesus as the Messiah, it looked like God had given up on them and moved his focus to the Gentiles. But God still has some big plans for people from Israel. This passage presents the pattern, the picture and the puzzle of God’s plan.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 11:1-10

The Remnant

Historically the people of Israel were God’s people. But so many from Israel have rejected the Messiah. Has God therefore rejected his people? Paul answers that question in this passage. He gives a personal answer, a biblical answer and a sobering answer.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 9:30-10:21

Confessing Christ

Paul continues to explore why some people believe the gospel and others don’t. Here we see that many people assume that the way to get right with God is by keeping the demands of his law. But the good news is that righteousness is not gained by our efforts, but by God’s provision in Christ.

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Romans Jared Keath Romans Jared Keath

Romans 9:1-13

Has God Failed?

Why do some people believe the gospel, while others reject it? Ultimately this question pushes us to consider the doctrine of God's election. That's where Paul goes in Romans 9. This is a deep subject. But understanding it opens up some wonderful vistas into the gospel of grace.

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Romans, Gospel of God Jared Keath Romans, Gospel of God Jared Keath

Romans 1:1-17

Good News for Everyone

The letter of Romans is all about ‘the gospel of God’. Even Paul's customary greeting is packed with talk about the gospel. He was clearly excited about spreading it, and wanted the believers in Rome (and us today) to share his excitement for the gospel.

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Colossians Jared Keath Colossians Jared Keath

Colossians 4:2-6

A Missional Lifestyle

The church's existence in society is considered by many as irrelevant, unwanted or even harmful. How can a bunch of believers make any meaningful impact with the gospel? The Colossians in that first century Roman Empire faced the same question. In Colossians 4:2-6 the Apostle Paul provides the answer, by teaching them (and us) to adopt a lifestyle of prayer and personal witness. 

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