Jared Keath Jared Keath

Ezra 9-10

Dealing with Disobedience

How do you react to disobedience to God? Does it shock you, grieve you, or not bother you? This is the big question the book of Ezra ends with. It shows us the weight of disobedience, the betrayal it is, and finally points us to the only remedy for disobedience.

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1 Samuel Jared Keath 1 Samuel Jared Keath

1 Samuel 15

Partial Obedience

Saul is rejected as king due to disobedience. Ironically, Saul thinks he was obedient. It shows the tendency of the human heart to seek to justify itself. But we also learn about the seriousness in which God treats disobedience and his regret over it.

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