Mission Unstoppable, Acts Mitch Amoah Mission Unstoppable, Acts Mitch Amoah

Acts 6:1-7

Word & Deed Ministry

Conflict and issues can pop up anywhere. And when they do, we need to know how God wants us to handle them, so that we can grow and thrive together. Acts 6:1-7 gives us a great example of how to deal with conflict within a community with wisdom, humility, and sensitivity.

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James, Real Faith Jared Keath James, Real Faith Jared Keath

James 1:19-27

People of the Word

How can know your faith in God is real faith? One of the tests James gives us is to consider our relationship with God’s word. Is it characterised by humble acceptance or avoidance? Are you are hearer only or a doer of God’s word? Does living God’s word feel like a burden or liberty?

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Mitch Amoah Mitch Amoah

Titus 1:1-4

How to be Spiritually Healthy

Mindfulness and meditation are popular nowadays as many people recognise the importance of our spiritual health. In Titus, God describes the spiritually healthy as having godliness. It begins within and has a positive impact on all of our lives. Why not make 2023 the year to improve your spiritual health.

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1 Samuel Jared Keath 1 Samuel Jared Keath

1 Samuel 3

When God Speaks

In calling Samuel to be a prophet, the word of God that was rare in those days become abundant. Today we have God’s complete word. If it is rare in our lives it because we don’t make the most of what is available to us. This sermon looks at how God’s word comes to us, what it does our lives and why we can trust everything he says.

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Matthew Jared Keath Matthew Jared Keath

2 Peter 1:12-2:3

Authority of Scripture

The authority of the Scripture means that every part of the bible is God speaking, and therefore we are not free to pick and choose which parts we accept as authoritative. Every part is to be read, accepted, cherished, trusted and obeyed.

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