We have good news for Frankston
Welcome to Frankston Presbyterian Church

“… the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32
Recent Sermons
The Healing Power of Jesus
Why were miracles so common in the early church but seem rare today? This sermon explores two incredible miracles by Peter—healing a paralytic and raising the dead—to discover their true purpose. Do miracles still happen? And what do they teach us about Jesus and the gospel?
The Church Scattered
Persecution scatters the early church, but instead of stopping the gospel, it spreads it further. In Acts 8:1-25, we see how God uses hardship to advance His mission, bringing joy to unexpected places, and exposing true and false faith. This passage challenges us to be bold witnesses, trusting in God’s unstoppable plan.
First Christian Martyr
From the beginning, the church has faced fierce opposition—Acts is filled with stories of trials, persecution, and faith under fire. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, stood boldly, mirroring Jesus in both courage and compassion. His story reminds us that our strength to stand comes from Christ, who still empowers his people today.
Word & Deed Ministry
Conflict and issues can pop up anywhere. And when they do, we need to know how God wants us to handle them, so that we can grow and thrive together. Acts 6:1-7 gives us a great example of how to deal with conflict within a community with wisdom, humility, and sensitivity.
Courage to Speak
Being a follower of Jesus requires courage—to stand for the gospel even in the face of opposition. In Acts 5:12-42, the apostles faced intense resistance, yet they proclaimed the gospel boldly. This sermon explores the need for courage, its true source, and how to live it out in a world that often resists the truth.
When Life Feels Wrong
Have you ever wondered why a good God would allow suffering? Or have you ever wondered why bad people seem to prosper while good people struggle? Psalm 73 unpacks this age old question and shows us where we need to look to understand God’s justice and goodness.
Our Victorious King
What does an ancient prayer for a king’s victory have to do with us today? This sermon on Psalm 20 unpacks its relevance, revealing how our future, hope, and joy are bound to the victory of God’s anointed King, Jesus Christ, and invites us to trust fully in His eternal triumph.
God’s Goodness in Life’s Badness
Have you ever felt abandoned or overwhelmed? Many people experience these feelings at some point in their lives. In those difficult moments, where should we turn? Psalm 22 offers a vivid example of the journey that God’s people can take when life becomes challenging, providing the hope and joy that only God can provide.
Visit Us
36 Radiata Street
Frankston North
Sunday Services at 10am & 6pm